Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Cilantro Wars

I recently read an article about cilantro that had me scratching my head. The article isn’t really about cilantro but about people who are obsessed with their hatred of cilantro who are, in turn, incurring the wrath of cilantro lovers.

For the record, I do not like cilantro. (Yeah, it tastes like soap to me.) Having said that, I have no desire to prevent others from enjoying this apparently controversial herb. I’m happy for cilantro lovers to eat as much as they wish and enjoy every bite. I simply try to avoid it. If a recipe I’m making calls for cilantro, I substitute parsley. If I order a dish that has (or I think will have) it, I request “no cilantro, please.” And if I’m served a dish that despite my best efforts includes cilantro, I simply eat around it.

The hostility between the cilantro haters and lovers in this article and in the online feedback perplexes me. What difference does it make if someone else does or does not like cilantro? This isn’t just about cilantro, though. We could be talking about just about anything (an herb, a television personality, a personal philosophy, etc.). Just because you like something doesn’t mean everyone has to. And why do you care if they don’t? On the flip sice, the idea of creating an “I hate” anything Web site or social network seems crazy to me. If you don’t like something, don’t eat/watch/use/whatever it. But why spend time focusing on something you hate? Wouldn’t it be much more positive and productive to invest your time and energy in something that you love?

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