Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Potato Snacks that I Miss

Who doesn’t love potato chips? My current favorites are reduced fat Cape Cod potato chips. But there are some tasty potato snacks that just aren’t available in this country and I do miss them.

When you go to the potato chip aisle in an American grocery store, a common flavor you’ll see across most brands is barbecue. In Europe, a common flavor is paprika. Even the Pringles in Europe are available in paprika! I tend not to eat a lot of flavored potato chips but I do love the paprika ones. I sometimes sprinkle a little paprika over potatoes drizzled with olive oil and roast them in the oven. That’s delicious but it doesn’t quite capture the flavor of the paprika potato chips.

Another European favorite of mine is Cipsters (pronounced “chipsters”). I remember having them when I was very young (in England, perhaps?). I never forgot the taste of them and I never saw them anywhere. Until a trip to Italy about five years ago. I bought them wondering if they would live up to my memory. And amazingly enough, they did (probably because they are loaded with fat and sodium).

I do miss these tasty potato snacks, but it’s probably not such a bad thing that I don’t have them available to me all the time.

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